50 grams of Rusty leaf Mucuna (Mucuna macrocarpa) or about 6/7 seeds, glossy, not pierced, rare
About 30mm in length, this black and flat bull's eye is perfect for your original creations in natural materials.
A rare Mucuna species from Indonesia or Thaïland that grows in humid forests up to altitudes between 800 and 3000 meters in the Himalayas. Older plants can produce 90 flower trusses at once, that hang directly from the stem. The flowers are purple and yellow, have a beak-like shape and grow in trusses of about 20 cm in size.
The plant plays a role in traditional Chinese medicine, and can in temperate climates be grown indoors or in a heated greenhouse. Because of the considerable size of the plant, it needs to be pruned regularly.
There are a hundred species of Mucuna and about fifty specie of Dioclea, all producing marble-like seeds particularly hard. English common names include bull’s eye seed, hamburger bean or sea purse depending on the variety.